Electrically conductive fabric over foam gasket sections are formed by wrapping a conductive (or metallised) fabric over a foam elastomer core. The conductive fabric is based on a synthetic textile yarn that is uniformly plated throughout its cross-section providing consistent low resistivity. Furthermore this arrangement ensures that this type of EMI gasket is particularly resistant to abrasion as ‘fresh’ plated fibres are continually exposed as the outer surface wears. This type of EMI shielding gasket section has several advantages
- Good shielding performance – typically 90 – 110dB
- Extremely good wear characteristics – resistant to abrasion and shear action
- Low compression set
- Cuts easily and cleanly without frayed ends or shedding particles/fibres
- Available with adhesive backing enabling easy fitting
- Neat appearance – the installed gasket will not detract from appearance of end equipment where visible e.g. cabinet door frames
- Available in a very wide range of profiles/cross-section sizes
- Non flammable to UL94-V0
Typically the section core material is polyurethane offering low compression force and good recovery. Certain profiles, particularly those with thin sections, incorporate stiffeners so as to improve the gasket function. The metallized fabric covering has an inherently low friction or free sliding surface making some gasket profiles suitable for applications that involve a ‘wiping’ action.
A comprehensive range of cross-sections and sizes are available as summarised below
Square – general purpose / channel mount
Rectangular – general purpose / channel mount
‘D’ profile – surface / channel mount
‘C’ fold or profile – low compression force
‘L’ profile – low compression force / wiping action seal
‘P’ profile – effectively a ‘D’ profile with an extended mounting strip
‘T’ profile – ideally suited to wiping action applications e.g. sliding door
Numerous other special purpose profiles are available so please provide details of your application and allow us to make a recommendation.
Most sections are available with self adhesive backing for ease of fitting. Additionally there are certain sections such as some ‘C’ fold and ‘D’ profiles are available mounted on a clip strip for convenient mounting on to panel edges. Gasket cross-section sizes can accommodate clearances from less than 1mm to over 20mm.
These profiles are normally supplied as standard cut lengths, the exact length (1 – 3m typically) depending on type. If required we can supply your gasket as a kit i.e. parts cut to length, mitred corners etc, ready to be assembled into place.
I/O gaskets
Conductive fabric wrapped gaskets can also be fabricated as a single piece to suit I/O panels found on many types of equipment. This allows multiple connector positions/apertures to be very efficiently shielded by the application of a single gasket.
Suitable for use on many commercial sheet metal fabricated enclosures where low compression force, ease of fitting and reliability are important such as
Telecoms cabinets
Industrial control equipment
Small sections of these gasket types can be used as grounding pads.
We recommend Electromagnetic Testing Services Ltd to test EMI shielding products in your application.
For more information, please Contact Us